When Americans go to the polls on November 5, they will have to choose between two people with very different political agendas. At this stage of the campaign, that should come as no surprise.
One moment in the conference room on CNN last week with Vice President Kamala Harris Make that perfectly clear. She summed up what distinguishes her from Donald Trump, saying: “The difference between us is that he will have a list of enemies. I will have a to-do list to deal with your concerns.”
That was the promise, as David Axelrod said male“, “A brilliant distillation of the risks in this race. “
Whether Harris’ performance was great or not, he was boring on CNN. That was the point.
What harris He lacks charismaShe more than makes up for her genuine commitment to public service and solving real problems. Harris used the town hall to highlight that commitment and the decision-making style she will bring to the Oval Office.
In front of a live audience of undecided voters, Harris demonstrated a cautious, practical, and boring style that will serve her and the American people well. Voters are looking for a daily spectacle emanating from the White House We will be very disappointed with a future Harris administration.
More than anything she said about politics, the CNN event showed how Harris will think when unexpected problems arise or when she faces a national or international crisis. At the end of the day, it is It is the president’s style of decision making Which determines how power is exercised and whether this country will remain strong and prosperous or will survive an existential crisis.
Harris has it right. Throughout the hour-long CNN event, she repeatedly demonstrated how she would wield power. For example, when pressed about her changing positions on fracking, Medicare for All, and other issues, she described her willingness to embrace good ideas, build consensus, and not “stand on your feet.”
“I believe in fixing problems. I love solving problems,” she explained. “And so I pledge to you to be a president who not only works for all Americans, but works to get things done, and that means compromise.”
When she was I asked CNN’s Anderson Cooper what mistakes she made On her career and what she learned from them, Harris hesitated, as usual, before admitting that she had made “many mistakes.” What came next was most important in showcasing the way she goes about making decisions.
“In my position as vice president, I think I probably went to great lengths to make sure that I was well-informed about the issues and I think that’s very important. I think it’s a mistake to not be well-informed about an issue and be forced to answer a question.”
The promise to be “well informed on the issues” is not the stuff of George Washington’s farewell address, or Lincoln’s Gettysburg, or Franklin Roosevelt’s “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” But in contrast to Trump’s lack of interest in knowing the details of anything, he presents voters with a candidate worth supporting.
When an audience member asked Harris what weaknesses she would bring to the presidency and how she would work to overcome them, she drove home her message about the kind of president she would be.
“I might not be as quick to get an answer once you ask her about a particular political issue sometimes because I’ll want to research it. I’ll want to study it….I’m kind of a nerd sometimes, I admit,” Harris admitted. That’s a weak point, especially if you’re in an interview.”
POLITICO It was distinguished Harris approaches decision-making by saying that she “ brainstorms ideas with a wide range of advisors and partners…[and] You really like to talk to a lot of people when you’re thinking about policy development.
And people who worked with Harris were not surprised by what she said during the town hall. For example, last July, Jill Duran, who was Vice President Kamala Harris’ communications director when she was California’s attorney general, He told NPR“She tends to really put a lot of thought into cases because I think she’s trained as a lawyer and as a prosecutor, where she’s looking for very specific details and going over the case over and over again.”
Duran worries that she “may sometimes be slow to make decisions.” But even he noted that during her time as California’s attorney general, Harris “brought together an amazing group of smart lawyers and other people” to advise her.
The contrast with Trump could not be clearer.
Let’s start with the fact that former Pres Unusually lazy And heedless. That’s why, when he was in the White House, he spent most of his time “tweeting, calling friends, and watching Fox News.”
Moreover, as president, Trump had difficulty “focusing in meetings…and ignoring.”[d] Intelligence and seizure briefings[d] Outside of policy details.” He It was distinguished His own style of decision-making is as follows: “I have an intuition, and my intuition sometimes tells me more than anyone else’s mind can tell me.”
And if Trump’s laziness wasn’t bad enough, there is He is impulsive. As journalist Alan Sloan He notices“I have been covering Donald Trump on and off for more than 25 years, and what has always amazed me is his lack of impulse control.”
“Restraint is very important for the president of the United States,” Sloan says. Whether we’re talking about the Bay of Pigs (when John F. Kennedy resisted the hawkish instincts of his advisors who wanted escalation), the wiretapping of Democratic Party headquarters (which Richard Nixon could not resist), or the invasion of Iraq…, presidents have opportunities to overreact, and they can “Their overreaction has disastrous consequences for our country and the world.”
I write on Tuesday, October 22, the day before Harris appears on CNN, New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein I offered a somewhat different point of view On Trump’s lack of impulsiveness. “Deregulation is the driver of Trump’s success,” he wrote. “It is power. It is what makes him so charismatic and compelling on stage. It is what allows him to say things others won’t say, make arguments they won’t make, and try strategies they won’t try.”
However, Klein goes on to explain that while such deregulation might make it successful on the campaign trail, it is dangerous in the White House, especially when it is “associated with a malignant tumor at its core…” Klein reminds us that Trump is “a narcissist…[who] He sees no further than himself, what he thinks, what he wants, and what he feels. Doesn’t listen to others. He does not take correction or guidance.
Donald Trump, Klein suggests, “doesn’t really learn. He once told a biographer: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The mood is not different.”
So this is it.
Can America really bear the responsibility of being ruled by a lazy, impulsive, mean, and narcissistic president? Voters need to think carefully about how they want to answer this question and whether they want to put their fate in the hands of someone who admits to having the temperament of a first-grader.
Given the choice between that and someone as cautious, pragmatic, and boring as Kamala Harris on CNN, I’ll choose cautious, pragmatic, and boring every time.
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